Saturday, April 27, 2013

Disney World

Greetings from the happiest place on earth!

My family and I are here for the World championships of cheerleading! My team is competing this weekend, and my family decided to tag along and take a mini vacation.

Below are some pictures of us at the park.
Also, all this heat and humidity got me thinking of some outfits I would rather be wearing that are suitable to such scorching weather. Here are some outfits I found on Pinterest that would be perfect.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Current Obsession: Organization!

Hello Ladies and Gents!

Something that ya'll should know about me is that Ive always loved the feeling of being organized. But recently, its become an obsession! Ive developed a constant urge to organize and clean every nook and cranny of my room.

While scavenging Pinterest and Youtube I came across some very helpful ideas and inspiration.
Here are a few of my favorites:

I personally have a smallish bathroom, so I thought this idea was genius for storing everything from face washes and beauty products, to cleaning supplies.

This is not really an original idea, but I thought the basket looked cute. I made my own cleaning bin similar to this and placed it under my sink. I especially like the idea of a cleaning list of things to clean every week (seen on the clipboard). I made my own cleaning list, which you can see here

I thought this idea was brilliant! Its perfect for storing important papers and documents and the binders look very neat when placed vertically like this. I will be making my own version of this sometime in the near future.
I love Pinterest. Its always the first place I turn to when looking for inspiration. But in this case I also found amazing inspiration on YouTube! Her name is Alejandra and her home was voted The Most Organized Home in America by HGTV! Her videos are extremely helpful.

Lastly, I want to show a few of the places in my room that I worked on organizing after Alejandra's videos.

The first thing was my closet. I did not have an effective place to keep my hats, small purses, and other such items so I created these bins
The next thing I did was put all of my books that didn't have a home on the shelf next to the bins. I used Mason jars filled with sand from one of my California trips as book ends.
The possibilities for organization are endless and needless to say I will be spending many hours at the Container Store until my whole room is perfectly organized (assuming it ever could be) :)
Sorry for such a long post, I hope to see ya'll again soon!
May every day feel this good,